Friday, 17/5/2024 | 3:06 UTC+0
  • Mark Roemer Oakland Investigates How Much Does It Costs to Stage a House to Sell


    According to Mark Roemer Oakland, you can maximize your home’s appeal for potential buyers by staging it up for the sale. Your goal is to make potential buyers imagine themselves in the new property and make it their home. Let’s figure out how much it costs to stage a house to sell.

    The Investigation 

    1. Average home staging cost – The national average cost for home staging stands at around $1500. That price includes decorations, furniture rental, and more. However, prices can vary drastically depending on various factors. From your location to labor costs and the services or products you choose, each element can make a major impact on the final cost of staging your home. If you DIY, don’t rent furniture and design the staging yourself, you can keep the costs as low as $150. However, you can also go as high as $4000 when you get …

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